Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week Two Wimba: Copyright, Fair Use & Creative Commons

I was unable to make it to this week's Wimba session, so I watched the archive and took some notes.  It was a great session and I was disappointed I missed it.  Below is my take away from the session.

Copyright is…Only copyright owner can use the work or give permission to others to use their work. 

What can be copyrighted?
Books, Plays, Music, Films/Movies, Dance
Brand names are trademarked, inventions are patented, titles can be trademarked.

Copyright duration: How long does copyright last?
Author-lifetime+70 years, company-100 years

Bottom Line:
Copyright is not about how you got the media or how you use the media; it’s about whether you have permission from the copyright holder to use the media.

Fair Use
There are limits to copyrights.

Fair Use Nature: A small bit can be used for…
Parody, news, teaching, critical comment

Condition to consider whether something is Fair Use:
Nature, Amount (percentage), Non-profit

Education Test for Fair Use – If you cannot teach the unit without including the media, then it might qualify for Fair Use.
Teaching Fair Use 

Creative Commons=Copyright at Internet Speeds
License platform that recognizes that there needs to be an easy to understand way for content creators to communicate their sharing choices that falls between “All Right Restricted” and “Public Domain.”

There are 11 possible combinations  - Attibution, Free for Noncommercial use, no derivative works, Share Alike (film & video footage in the public domain)

1 comment:

  1. "Copyright is not about how you got the media or how you use the media; it’s about whether you have permission from the copyright holder to use the media."

    Looks like you picked up all the important points Tawnya. Thanks for checking out the archive. Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
