Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Visuwords is an online graphic dictionary and thesaurus.  Anyone can use Visuwords to look up definitions and make connections with other words and concepts.  Visuwords is also interactive; you can click and drag the background to pan around the web, hold your mouse over a node to see the definition, and use the wheel on your mouse to zoom in and out.  The key on the left of the screen shows the connections between words.  Visuwords is great for your picture smart, body smart, and word smart learners.  The only possible hinderance of this tool is that for some words it brings up LOTS of other connective words.   This could be overwhelming for students.  If this happens I suggest you use the zoom feature and focus only a small section of the web.
I have found that students understand new vocabulary best when there is visual for them to see.  In addition to my regular powerpoint of word, definition and picture, I plan to use this to introduce vocabulary each week.  Students will be able to see the word, its definition, association with other words and part of speech.
This is also an ideal tool to enrich synonyms & antonyms.  If your class is learning or reviewing nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs this is the tool for you!  Best of all its FREE!

1 comment:

  1. Tawnya, I just love the site Visuword that you reviewed. I can see myself using this tool in my Action Research. The visuals are good for teachers to use in order to enhance vocabulary comprehension. Also, this is great to use with children before beginning a mind mapping exercise in language, social studies, science or even math word problems. These concepts just might become easier, especially for the younger children to grasp. Just like you, I love the fact that is free!
